My experience at Reina Cafe Internacional Coffee Pageant in Colombia

I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had to compete in pageants across the world. It was so interesting the way I ended up competing for Reina Cafe Internacional in Manizales, Colombia. 

My pageant friend Ginelle and I were attempting to watch the Miss Universe Dress Rehearsal at the Hard Rock Hotel. Unfortunately the tickets were limited as it was post pandemic quarantine, so we were not able to go inside. Instead, Ginelle and I went to the coffee shop at the hotel to catch up on our lives. There was a cute little girl sitting at the table next to us waving and saying hi in Spanish. I proceed to ask her name in Spanish and make small talk. Ginelle was surprised at how much Spanish I knew, and I explained I actually learned it through international pageants. Low and behold that little girl’s uncle was a national director for the international coffee pageant in Colombia. He overheard our conversation and asked if I’d be interested. I remember hearing about it through one of my sister queens at Nation of States, so I was definitely intrigued. We connected later on, and I would end up representing Hong Kong at their 65th international pageant. I was excited because I could really practice my Spanish while I was there. 

It was also interesting because we competed in January 2022 when some countries were still in lockdown from the pandemic. I almost had to skip the pageant because I had COVID the week before on Christmas. I found out the day before my flight I finally was testing negative and could go to Colombia the next day!

Another great thing about competing in pageants in Latin America is that the Latinas who compete are serious competitors. Miss Venezuela, Miss Colombia, and truly some of the best queens in the world. I was preparing for Miss Florida USA that year, so I wanted to compete with women that would challenge me to step it up. Many of us met at the Bogota Airport before we went to Pereira.

Typically, I wear no makeup and comfortable clothes on the airport. Once I get to baggage claim when the pageant organizers hold the signs waiting for us, I go to the restroom to change, glam up, and put on high heels. However, there were Latin titleholders at the airport walking with their suitcases already in 6 inch heels and their rhinestoned sash. I was so surprised, as I looked my regular nerdy self at the airport, as soon as we were at the gate to Pereira, Colombia, I started glamming up in that bathroom. Fortunately when we arrived it was about 10 or so queens there, and we all took the 1 hour bus ride to a temporary hotel in Manizales. We had to be extra cautious of COVID because protocols were so strict with international travel. We had COVID tests daily and unfortunately several girls could not compete because they ended up getting COVID. In a way, getting COVID during the holiday was a blessing in disguise because I was able to return home safely. 

Reina Cafe International was very professional and organized by the Manizales board that was responsible for organizing the fair. We were essentially working as tourism ambassadors throughout the entire trip. It was a jam-packed schedule that helped me realize I need to train my body to handle minimal sleep while I am competing at Miss Florida USA a few months later. I normally have a very routine schedule of what time I sleep, work, and manage my tasks, but I needed to learn to be flexible to my body would not be weak. Some evenings we’d get to bed at 1am and hair and make up the next day would start at 4am. We would visit sponsors, coffee shops, coffee bean farms, and my favorite part, the parades! We would dress in traditional Colombian dresses as so many people in the audience would cheer us on. 

I realized while I was there coffee really does bring the world together. It is a drink that is consumed daily by so many adults around the world. And it was beautiful to see the city’s pride in their coffee and their city altogether. 

I also really appreciated having a police escort with me the entire duration of the pageant. My police escort was Harold. I’m glad I could speak some Spanish to learn more about his life and family. Not only did he make sure I was safe when fans would come in at the pageant, he would also carry my bags, take my photos, and make sure I felt good throughout the whole competition. 

One thing that was funny and challenging was translating my Spanish into Chinese Cantonese (the main language spoken in Hong Kong). My main language is English, I can speak some cantonese fluently and can do a basic conversation in Spanish. But when I tried to combine it, my brain would get so frazzled. It was also interesting how many people didn’t know where Hong Kong was. It’s similar to when I compete internationally and I see a girl with a country title I never heard before. A lot of people thought Hong Kong was part of Japan, but it’s actually a part of China. 

From the lack of sleep, I actually ended up getting sick for two days and needed to rest. At that time I actually caught up on some of my work meetings as we were launching a big software at the company I worked for then. 

One of the most beautiful places I went to is the Carretas Del Rocio. One of my close friends and former roommates is named Rocio, so it was easy to remember. I felt like I was in the Sound of Music there. 

The pageant finale was help in a lovely auditorium where we did costume and evening gown. I loved how immediately after they went straight to crowning. Although I came home empty handed, I absolutely loved Manizales and the people there. Colombia has a special place in my heart now. Especially when I meet Colombians in Miami. There’s a coffee shop I go to here called Macondo that I love because it truly is Encanto. The hills you drive past are magical and green, the people even if they don’t speak your language are so kind, and the passion they have for their community is a true testament to their 65 years running the Manizales Festival.

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