Starting Your First Pageant

Congratulations! You have decided to put yourself out there, and compete in your first pageant! Some women, myself included, were too scared to even try, but you have bravely stepped forward to show the world what you are made of.

What are pageants like?

Imagine you’re getting ready for prom, doing an Instagram beach shoot on a stage, speaking on behalf of causes you believe in, and stepping up for yourself in the conference room. That’s what the pageants can wrap up to be, but what is far more important is the preparation you do to get to that point.

Preparing for a pageant

The most impactful aspect of pageant preparation is your mindset. If you could only take one thing away from your pageant experience, it should be confidence. You must KNOW you are worth it, and most likely overqualified. You cannot go in worrying about anything beyond your control. Go in with a positive mindset and use this opportunity to grow as a young woman and girl boss. Pageants can either be the best OR worst on your self esteem, all dependent on how you approach it. Learn you are better than anyone else’s superficial opinions. Do not put yourself down for your weaknesses, but use this as an opportunity to improve them.

If you do not have already, create a list of your long term goals. And see how winning the title, competing, and preparing can get you to those goals as a stepping stone. Learning how to speak, present yourself, command a room, sell your brand? It is completely what you make of it.

This is an excuse for you to apply all those hair and makeup YouTube tutorials in real life. This will be one of the greatest motivators for you to actually go to the gym and eat healthy food. You may discover through this process you are actually hot, smart, successful, and deserving of whatever you aspire to be in life. Any person or organization would be so lucky and honored to have you in their life.

If you’ve never done this before, don’t worry. Practice walking in heels around the house, or even wear wedges around work so when you go to the bathroom you strut there when no one looks. Take this time to self reflect intensely. Interview practice is the best form of self awareness. Who are you? Go out in the community with the crown on your head so strangers ask who are you and you’re forced to promote the pageant. Use what you are practicing in your job and at school. If you’re in college, go to your career center and practice mock interviews.

Set up a budget when preparing for a pageant. How much do you plan to spend on photos, wardrobe, makeup, etc.? How are you obtaining sponsors? How are you earning extra revenue for the pageant? Consider side gigs like being a brand ambassador at trade shows and events to also help your interpersonal skills. 

Surround yourself with supportive people. Whether that be other contestants, family members, sponsors, etc. it is best you are in a positive environment. So many of these tips are applicable to regular life as well. 

Don’t be fake, or try to “fit” into some persona you think the pageant is looking for. There is no one set standard. Take the time to figure out who you are, what you stand for, what makes you stand out, and share that with the judges come pageant time!

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