What I gained Preparing for my first Miss Florida USA Pageant

What I learned as a local titleholder preparing for Miss Florida USA

I never competed in Miss Florida USA before, because I did not find myself worthy or capable of ever winning the Miss Universe title. I was intimidated. I remember starting pageants, and my father telling me I will never succeed because I was not good and I was Asian. I made sure I could prove him wrong, but there was a little voice inside my head that scared me from going for the big title. Throughout that time, I also dedicated so much of my time to school and extracurricular work I didn’t think I would be able to commit to Miss Florida USA.

This semester, I’ve been able to take the time I need to focus on myself, explore the world, and gain new experiences I never thought I would before. Part of that included preparing for Miss Florida USA. Even now before the competition has started, I feel like I have gained so much from my experience preparing and being Miss Miami Dade County USA.

The first thing I am grateful for in this process was my appreciation for my health and well being. Last year I wrote on my vision board, my long term goals in life were being limited by my needs for instant gratification. Much of that included sugared foods and avoiding any form of physical exercise. Working out was something so far off my life because school, work, and extracurriculars came first. It was difficult for me to cut unhealthy foods out of my life, or have any motivation to go to the gym. I wrote goals, read health blogs, and followed fit inspirations, but they didn’t give me that push. But at a Pageant Ready University workshop, I wrote and told the ladies there (including Deshauna Barber, Miss USA 2016) that I want to go in there looking and feeling the very best I ever had, and being in the best shape of my life. Once that was out in the open there was no going back. My boyfriend was also extremely supportive in helping me meal prep, work out, and shift into a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, it was the first time I actually wanted to go to the gym and get in shape. It stopped being an aesthetics ordeal and more of a personal psychological growth. I didn’t get a six pack or become a health queen, but I know I did what I set my mind to and I am in the best shape I’ve ever been thanks to Miss Florida USA.

Secondly, I am grateful I have gained a plethora of knowledge regarding environmental work in Miami Dade. I lived in Orlando for most of my life until I went to college in Miami. I was involved with environmental organizations through school, but I really didn’t get a chance to see beyond my campus. As Miss Miami Dade County, I still did a lot of work in Orlando as that’s where most of my network for Teens Go Green is. But throughout my time, I have also been able to see so many cool and exciting green projects throughout Miami. While interning for Dream in Green, I saw how their incredible program brought thousands of kids from South Florida to create sustainable initiatives in their respective school. It was where I learned about Debris Free Oceans and a fashion show that was hosted to support their cause in taking plastics out of the ocean and beaches. After modeling at the event, my boyfriend and I learned about the Seed Food and Wine Festival, which opened our eyes to living a plant based diet, and all of the vegan options available in the South Florida community. We also went to a Northern Miami Dade Solar Co-Op event where we gained information regarding solar panel installations and how they will impact homes and the Miami community.

Basically, one green organization lead to another, expanding my understanding of environmentalism and how it is applied in the Miami Dade area. Before the Miami election, I came to the conclusion that the three main issues in Miami Dade were sea level rise, traffic congestion, and affordable housing. TWO of the three things could be solved through environmental initiatives implemented by policymakers. Being Miss Miami Dade County gave me the opportunity to learn about the environmental issues going on in our community and how I was able to work on solving them. Through this work, I know I will be able to bring more of what I do with Teens Go Green into Miami, and spread its efforts amongst a wider group of young leaders.

While I could keep going, I will end with the third thing I am most grateful for, which is my changed mindset and outlook going into the competition. It could be an accumulation of all my experiences over the years, but I’ve finally hit a point where I stopped worrying about the competition and overthinking every little detail. I am not going to fixate myself on competitors or worry about things beyond my own control. I am going into Miss Florida USA looking at the big picture. I am not intimidated by the competition or anything in my way, because the only thing stopping me from what I want to do in life is myself. I know in my heart I am worth being Miss Florida USA in my own merit, just like every girl I will compete with. I will not let my rank or placement determine my worth, but I will take advantage of every opportunity I have made and been blessed with to grow my network and impact in the world.

Post Competition Reflection

Over the last few months, I have dedicated much of my time to working out, healthy eating, intensive pageant preparation, staying informed, and getting my hands on as many environmental events around the Miami and Orlando area. All of this was done to prepare for the Miss Florida USA pageant, and on a larger scale improve upon myself and take the next step in my pageant career.

The outcome did not affect my experience or high regards to the Miss Florida USA system. I wish there was a way to post on Facebook “I didn’t place and I am still so proud of myself” without people assuming I am trying to seek pity and extra attention. Honestly, it was one of the most competitive pageants I’ve ever competed in. There was over 100 girls, and with only 15 slots there was too many beautiful, articulate, and fit women to decide between.

Throughout the week, I felt so welcomed by the Chrisley family, the new directors of the Miss Florida USA pageant. I only saw them on TV as a quirky fabulous southern family, and a refreshing reality show that really showcased their family values. But hearing Todd and Savannah speak was so empowering. I could tell how much they cared about making this the best pageant possible, and how sweet it was they kept reminding us (the contestants) that we were all so worthy of this opportunity. Todd spent each day telling us to be grateful for our family, and the ones who sacrificed a part of their life to support us on our journey to get to this point. I’d get so emotional hearing them, Robin, and Dale speak that it’d bring tears to my eyes, and I would get so worried that my fake lashes would fall off (pageant girl problems, am I right?)

So I just want to say my thanks to a few of the people that got me to where I am today. I know I will be missing some people in particular on this list, I’ve been so blessed to have that many people in my life support me I can’t even count them.

  1. First and foremost, my incredible family. For cheering me on, supporting me regardless of the outcome, celebrating after the pageant, coming to my visitation, accommodating healthy foods on my birthday, travelling to Tampa and taking me back and forth, supporting me financially, picking out my outfits, being my “Little Sister” princess, making posters, taking pictures, screaming when I come out on stage, and so much more. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you mom for everything that you do to support me, and for always being the first person to find me to give me a hug, grab my suitcase, and wish me best of luck.
  2. My boyfriend, thank you for being my #1 fan behind my mom. For driving and coming with me to different pageant sessions, for working out and healthy meal prepping with me, for coming along to all of my environmental events and appearances, for being my Instagram photographer, for screaming the loudest and waving frantically in the audience, for sharing an appreciation for pageantry, for travelling to Miss Universe with me, for asking me pageant interview questions and consultations, and for supporting me through the ups and downs of my journey in pageantry. I’m sure you had no idea all the craziness behind what I do in pageants, and I also want to thank your amazing family for also being so supportive of what I do.
  3. To all the people who came to watch the pageant and cheer me on. Grace Ponzo and Sherry Gorman, the Baez family, Gabi, my family, my boyfriend, and so much more. Thank you for your cheers, I love how I was able to see you in the audience.
  4. To the people that helped prepare me. PR Pageant Coaches Jules, Deshauna, Michelle, Brooke, Jaime, Ashley and Ashley from Academy of Glam, thank you for helping me get to the next level an push me to be the best version of myself. I didn’t have to be a cookie cutter version of something I was not.
  5. To Jorge for going through interview with me and Lissette for polishing my walk and keeping up with me throughout the week.
  6. To Stayc for meeting me at Miss Universe, having me on your show PageantryNow, and for talking on the phone with me throughout my ride to Orlando to prepare my interview questions and comfort me right before the competition. I truly believe you were a blessing for me to meet in such an interesting part of time.
  7. To Nina and your incredible family. For always cheering me on in everything I do. For supporting us in pageants, life, clothing issues, and more. For your second opinion and helping me make my competition clothes get a little more oomph. For coming to almost all of the community service events and being super volunteers with everything you do. My family was so lucky to have your family in our life.
  8. To everyone who messaged, posted, called, and texted me good luck throughout my time there.
  9. To those that have supported me since day 1. Patricia with your amazing gown, Mona and being a Mona’s Diva, Kristin and being one of your first titleholders, and so many more amazing people.
  10. To Catalina for glamming me and taking my crown shot

Thank you thank you thank you, and beyond. I am so grateful for your support.

This article was originally published in my personal journal misselizabethtran.wordpress.com but has been transferred over

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